Domain, Sub-Domain, Park Domain, Ad-On Domain and Sub-Account Domain? In general, a domain is an area of control or a sphere of knowledge. 1) In computing and telecommunication in general, a domain is a sphere of knowledge identified by a name. Typically, the knowledge is a collection of facts about some program entities or a number of network points or addresses. 2) On the Internet, a domain consists of a set of network addresses. This domain is organized in levels. The top level identifies geographic or purpose commonality (for example, the nation that the domain covers or a category such as "commercial"). The second level identifies a unique place within the top level domain and is, in fact, equivalent to a unique address on the Internet Lower levels of domain may also be used. Strictly speaking, in the Internet's domain name system, a domain is a name with which name server records are associated that describe subdomains or host. For example, "" could be a domain with records for "" and "," and so forth. 3) In Windows NT and Windows 2000, a domain is a set of network resources (applications, printers, and so forth) for a group of users. The user need only to log in to the domain to gain access to the resources, which may be located on a number of different servers in the network. Sub domain Lets say your domain is, you install a Message Board and put in in a directory called You can turn the directory board into a sub-domain by adding it as a sub-domain from your Control Panel. Now you can access your Message board as either Let's say you own the domain, A sub domain of that would be something like Parked Domain Add-On Domains Sub Account Domain If you manage multiple web sites and want to control them under one simple plan, you will need sub-account support. With a sub-account you may use either a sub-domain of your primary domain name (example: or you can use an entirely different domain. Sub-accounts have their own unique web site, emails, CGI, PHP, MySQL, Stats, etc. for each sub-account, all connected by 1 single control panel.
You want the two domains to be totally separate/independent websites. In order to have additional parked domains you need to purchase the additional domain(s). Register Add-on domains.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
What is Domain ?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Grant Proposal Writing Tips
Preparation You are likely to find preliminary grant writing steps to be the most time consuming, yet most vital aspect of the process. If done well, your prepartory work will simplify the writing stage. 1. Define your project Clarify the purpose of your project and write a concise mission statement. Define the scope of work to focus your funding search. Determine the broad project goals, then identify the specific objectives that define how you will focus the work to accomplish those goals. Example: Goal: To improve production quality. Objective 1: Recruit advanced production talent. Objective 2: Train mid-level producers. Objective 3: Upgrade production equipment. These goals and objectives suggest the proposal will request support for recruitment activity, production training, and equipment purchase. In contrast, a different proposal with the same goal might focus only on equipment upgrades. Decide who will benefit. Benefits may extend beyond the direct beneficiary to include the audience, other institutions, etc. Draft expected project outcomes in specific measurable terms. Draft a timeline that includes the planning phase, the period of searching for funds, proposal writing, and the intended project start date. Periodically update the timeline as you learn more about submission deadlines, award timetables, etc. 2. Identify the right funding sources Foundation centers, computerized databases, station development offices, publications, and public libraries are some of the resources available to assist your funding search. Do not limit your funding search to one source. Look for a match between your project and the grants you seek by looking for consistency between the purpose and goals of your project and the funder. In addition, pinpoint specific funding priorities and preferences. Make direct contact with funders to support projects like yours. Request proposal guidelines. Also request a list of projects previously funded through this specific grant program. Perhaps an annual report is available. Inquire about the maximum amount available. Also, find out the average size and funding range of awards. Determine if funding levels of the grants you select are appropriate for your project. Note whether there is a funding floor or ceiling. Find out whether the funder has other grant sources for which your project is eligible. 3. Contact the funders Think of the funder as a resource. Identify a project officer who will address your questions. Some funders offer technical assistance, others do not. Ask for technical assistance, including a review of proposal drafts. Inquire about how proposals are reviewed and how decisions are made. Inquire about budgetary requirements and preferences. Are matching funds required? Is in-kind acceptable as a portion of applicants' share? What may be counted as in-kind, and how might it be applied? Learn about payment processes, including cash flow. Remember, the contacts you make may prove invaluable, even if not for now. 4. Acquire proposal guidelines Read the guidelines carefully, then read them again. Ask the funder to clarify your questions. Guidelines usually tell you about: 5. Know the submission deadline Plan to submit your proposal on or preferably before the deadline. Determine what format the funder requires for submission. Be realistic about whether you have time to prepare a competitive proposal that meets the deadline. Know the funder's policies on late submissions, exceptions, and mail delays. Find out how the funder will notify you about the receipt and status of your proposal. Factor this information into your timeline. 6. Determine personnel needs Identify required personnel both by function and, if possible, by name. Contact project consultants, trainers, and other auxilliary personnel to seek availability, acquire permission to include them in the project, and negotiate compensation. Personnel compensation is important budget information. 7. Update your timeline This is a good point at which to update your timeline, now that you know about submission deadlines and review timetables. Factor into your schedule time to write multiple drafts, solicit project officer for review of draft, gather relevant and permissible materials, and prepare an impartial critique of your proposal for clarity, substance, and form. Writing the Proposal Structure, attention to specifications, concise persuasive writing, and a reasonable budget are the critical elements of the writing stage. There are many ways to organize proposals. Read the guidelines for specifications about required information and how it should be arranged. Standard proposal components are: the narrative, budget, appendix of support material, and authorized signature. Sometimes proposal applications require abstracts or summaries, an explanation of budget items, and certifications. 1. Narratives Statement of need Purpose, goals, measurable objectives, and a compelling, logical reason why the proposal should be supported. Background provides perspective and is often a welcome component. Approach Method and process of accomplishing goals and objectives, description of intended scope of work with expected outcomes, outline of activities, description of personnel functions with names of key staff and consultants, if possible. Method of evaluation Some require very technical measurements of results. Inquire about expectations. Project timeline Paints a picture of project flow that includes start and end dates, schedule of activities, and projected outcomes. Should be detailed enough to include staff selection and start dates. Credentials Information about the applicant that certifies ability to successfully undertake the proposed effort. Typically includes institutional or individual track record and resumes. Tips on Writing the Narrative: Narratives typically must satisfy the following questions: The HOOK: There are many ways to represent the same idea. However, the HOOK tailors the description of the idea to the interest of a particular funder.The HOOK aligns the project with the purpose, and goals of the funding source. This is a critical aspect of any proposal narrative because it determines how compelling reviewers will perceive your proposal to be. 2. Budget Budgets are cost projections. They are also a window into how projects will be implemented and managed. Well-planned budgets reflect carefully thought out projects. Be sure to only include those things the funder is willing to support. Funders use these factors to assess budgets: Many funders provide mandatory budget forms that must be submitted with the proposal. Don't forget to list in-kind and matching revenue, where appropriate. Be flexible about your budget in case the funder chooses to negotiate costs. 3. Supporting materials Supporting materials are often arranged in an appendix. These materials may endorse the project and the applicant, provide certifications, add information about project personnel and consultants, exhibit tables and charts, etc. For projects that include collaborations or partnerships, include endorsements from the partnering agencies. Policies about the inclusion of supporting materials differ widely among funders. Whether to allow them usually depends upon how materials contribute to a proposal's evaluation. Restrictions are often based on excess volume, the element of bias, and relevance. Find out if supporting materials are desired or even allowed. Be prepared to invest the time to collect resources, produce a tape, document capability, update a resume, collect letters, include reference reports or whatever is needed. 4. Authorized Signatures Authorized signatures are required. Proposals may be rejected for lack of an authorized signature. Be sure to allow the time to acquire a needed signature. 5. Specifications Tailor proposal writing to specifications found in the guidelines. Include only the number of pages allowed. Observe the format. Is there a form to complete? Must the proposal be typed, double spaced, on 8-1/2 x 11 inch pages? Are cover pages allowed or desired? Caution! — the beautifully bound proposal is not always appreciated or allowed. Be concise. Elaborations should add depth and scope, not page fillers. Be prepared to write one or more drafts. 6. Submission checklist The complete proposal must be submitted on time in the requested format with the requested number of copies and original authorized signatures. Address the proposal as directed in the guidelines. Be sure to include required documentation. Follow-up Contact the funding source about the status, evaluation, and outcome of your proposal. It is important to request feedback about a proposal's strengths and weaknesses, although this information is sometimes unavailable, especially with a large volume of submissions. Reference information may also be useful if you choose to approach the same or different funder again with your idea.
proposal format: award levels forms, margins, spacing, evaluation process and restrictions on the number criteria of pages, etc.
review timetable
funding goals and priorities
award levels
evaluation process and criteria
whom to contact
other submission requirements
Tips for Writing a Business Proposal
Business in the nineties means fierce competition, aggressive marketing and strategic alliances. The extent to which a business succeeds or fails often depends upon that business's ability to be awarded contracts or to attract other businesses into Joint Ventures or strategic alliances. To accomplish either one usually requires two key items: good ideas and the ability to present those good ideas in a superbly developed business proposal. (1) A business entity has called for tenders or has invited you to submit a RFP (Request for Proposal). In this case, your goal is to be "short listed," meaning that you will be one of the three or four bidders who is awarded an interview. Your proposal must stand among possibly dozens of submissions.
Business proposals are developed for one of two possible reasons.
(2) You have an idea, concept or project that you want to propose to someone with the goal of gaining support, funding or an alliance. In this case, there is no competitive bidding process. However, your proposal must make a favourable impression and must explain all aspects of your proposed concept clearly and quickly. A document that is vaguely written, difficult to understand or that presents more questions than answers will likely be discarded promptly.
The following eleven tips are guidelines that I keep in mind when I develop a business proposal for a client of my writing service:
1. Clarity.
Before you begin to write the proposal, summarize the concept in 2-3 sentences, then show it to a lay person and check for understanding. If they don't grasp the basic idea, rewrite until they do. Until you can do this, you are not ready to start writing the proposal. How many times have you received a document that you had to read over and over before you comprehended the meaning? When this happens, it may be because your comprehension skills are under- developed, but it's more likely that the writer substituted clarity of thought and good document structure with sloppy thinking, wordy, rambling explanations, vague descriptions and heavy reliance on buzzwords and jargon. It's worth saying once again: If you can't summarize it in 2-3 sentences, you are not ready to start writing.
2. Strive to communicate, not to impress.
If you have a good idea and you communicate that idea clearly and effectively, the recipients will be impressed. If you try to baffle them with your brilliance, you'll lose ground.
3. Error Free:
Your proposal will be competing with proposals prepared by professional writers, graphic designers and desktop publishers. You may not have those resources at your disposal, but you can be fastidious about checking for typing, spelling and grammatical errors. Spell checkers can only go so far; the rest is up to you. Ask someone else to check your document for errors before you submit it, or wait a few days before rereading it. If you have worked on a document intensely, you will "learn" to interpret errors as being correct. It takes a fresh eye to spot the typos.
4. Print and Bind:
Print your document on good quality, heavy- bond paper, using either a laser printer or a good-quality bubble jet. Take it to an office service for backing and binding. For less than $10, you can produce a nicely done, professionally presented package.
5. Layout:
When laying out your document, format it so the body of the text appears in the right two-thirds of the page. The one-third of the page to the left contains titles and white space. The white space to the left allows the reader to make notes. This sounds like a trivial matter, but it elicits positive reactions from recipients.
6. Visual Elements:
Include visual elements sporadically throughout your document. Logos, clip art, graphs, charts, tables and other elements greatly enhance the visual appeal of your document and make it easier for many people to read and comprehend. Pages of pure text are tiring to the eye and a challenge to the attention span. Additionally, many people are visually oriented, meaning the preferred method of learning is through imagery and not text.
7. Title Page.
Begin with a Title Page that includes images (graphics, pictures, etc.), the name of the proposal recipient, the name of the project, your company name and address, the date, and your copyright symbol.
8. Be Politically Correct.
Whether you support political correctness or whether you don't, the issue here is to avoid offending the people who will receive your proposal document. Avoid any language that can be construed as offensive to any group of people - including women, men, persons with disabilities, persons belonging to visible minorities, senior citizens, and so on. If you're not certain of correct terminology, consult with someone knowledgeable before submitting your proposal.
9. Write for Global Audiences:
Emerging technologies, immigration policies and agreements like NAFTA have produced a global marketplace. Documents nowadays should be written with the understanding that they may be evaluated by persons living in other countries or by persons for whom English is a second language. Even if you are submitting your proposal to a local business, they may well have joint ventures with international companies, and these companies may be asked to peruse your document. Unless your proposal is local to a specific geographic area, avoid references that would not be understood by persons living in other areas (or explain these references if you must use them). Also, avoid the use of slang or expressions from pop culture. When persons from other cultures study the English language, they are taught to speak formal, correct English. They are often unfamiliar with the use of slang terms.
10. Jargon Free:
Every industry has its own particular "language" - words, terms and expressions that are common to that industry but foreign to people from other industries. Avoid the use of jargon, or if you must use it, explain it. For example, expressions like "branding," "turnkey solution," "E-commerce" are not necessarily understood by everyone who is doing business. Also remember that your proposal may go to a committee that is comprised of people from various walks of life. Make sure they understand what you are talking about.
11. Technology.
What was just said about jargon goes double for technology. If your proposed project involves the use of technologies, be very careful with your explanation. The persons reading the document may have little or no technological background. Therefore, in the body of the proposal, it's usually recommended that you explain your technology in terms of what it will do - i.e. "A data base that members can use to search for information about your products." There is a place for detailed information about the technology that you are proposing - and that spot is the appendix. In many cases, a non-technically oriented business will engage a technology consultant to review your proposed technology. This person can use the detailed explanations that you include in the appendix while other readers will be able understand the proposal itself.
Keep these guidelines in mind and you will be off to a good start with your next business proposal!
Source: June Campbell is a professional writer whose work has appeared in a variety of international print publications. She also provides business writing services as well as offering online sales of "How-to Booklets and Templates for Business" from her Web site.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Entering Formula – Memasukkan Rumus
Memasukkan Rumus Excel tidak memerlukan perintah khusus dalam memasukkan rumus. Yang selalu diperlukan dalam dalam hal ini adalah tanda sama dengan (=). Semua rumus harus dimulai dengan tanda sama dengan ini Walaupun excel menampilkan seluruh rumus di formula bar dengan huruf besar semua, akan tetapi excel tidak memerlukan rumus yang ditulis dengan huruf besar semua, jadi cukup masukan rumus dengan huruf kecil semua atau huruf besar semua dan bahkan kombinasi huruf besar dan kecil.. Semua rumus dalam excel (sum, average, etc.) menempatkan sel data dalam tanda kurung. Sebagai contoh Entering Excel Formulas Although Excel will display all formulas in uppercase in the Formula Bar, Excel doesn't care about the case at all. When you enter formulas, you can save yourself some trouble by just entering them in lowercase. All formulas (sum, average, etc.) place data cells in parentheses. For example
=sum (a1:a5) benar,
=sum a1:a5 salah.
Excel has no special requirements when it comes to entering formulas. The one always necessary item is the equal sign (=). All formulas must begin with an equal sign.
=sum (a1:a5) works, but
=sum a1:a5 won't work.
Buat Grafik Excel – A Default Excel Chart
The easiest and quickest way to create a chart in Excel is to highlight the cell range you want to include in the chart and press F11. This creates the default column chart. Excel will create the chart on a separate Chart sheet. Pembuatan Grafik deng Excel Cara paling cepat dan mudah dalam membuat grafik di Excel adalah dengan cara memilih range sel yang datanya akan dimasukkan ke dalam grafik kemudian tekan F11. Untuk mencobanya, maka masukan data ke sel A1 s/d C3 dan kemudian pilih range tersebut dan selanjutnya tekan F11.
To test this, type data into cells A1 through C3 and then select the range and press F11.
Clear Excel Formatting - Menghapus Format Sel
How To Clear Excel Formatting If you have modified the cell formats in a range of cells, and now need to get back to the original formatting without losing data, select the cells you want to clear and choose Edit/Clear/Formats. Doing so will take you back to the default format and will leave your data intact. Menghapus format sel dalam Excel Jka kita memodifikasi format sel atau beberapa sel, kemudian kita ingin mengembalikan ke format aslinya tapi tidak menghapus datanya, maka kita dapat melakukan hal tersebut dengan perintah Edit/Clear/Formats. Dengan demikian kta akan mendapatkan kembali format awal dengan tetap memiliki data yang telah diketikan di dalam sel maupun beberapa sel
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Eliminate unwanted blank Word pages with pagination formatting
You just sent your Word document to a colleague in another office. When she prints out the document on her computer, the pages break at odd places; it even prints out a blank page in the middle of the document. When you print it out on your printer, however, it prints perfectly. What could have caused these pagination errors? Different printers paginate differently. You can avoid many of these pagination errors by eliminating manual page breaks in your document. Instead, use pagination formatting. For example, to type a bibliography on its own page, you could click after the last paragraph of your document and press [Ctrl][Enter] to set a manual page break — or, to use pagination formatting, follow these steps: Pagination formatting also lets you keep two paragraphs together on the same page, as well as all lines of a single paragraph on the same page. To use pagination formatting to keep all lines of a paragraph together, follow these steps: To keep two paragraphs together on the same page, follow these steps:
Excel 2007 Conditional Formating
Fitur visualisasi data 'Excel' 2007 secara otomatis memberi setiap sel untuk nilai yang sesuai dengan dalam satu range warna, ikon, atau bar data. Jika anda sedang mengevaluasi atau membedakan yang hanya sedikit, maka dengan mudah untuk melihat data yang mana yang sesuai dengan target anda. Tetapi bagaimana jika anda sedang menguji serangkaian datayang lebih dari 100 baris? Dalam hal ini, anda akan memerlukan format conditional (format bersyarat) *Excel' yang bisa dipergunakan untuk memberikan tanda hanya sel-sel yang nilainya diluar jangkauan target nilai anda inginkan. Sebagai contoh, misalnya kita ingin member tanda untuk sel-sel yang nilainya lebih besar dari 100 dengan tanda X. Langkah yang harus dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut: Hssilnya adalah, warna orange untuk nilai data di atas 100. Dan "Tanda Seru" untuk nilai yang sama dengan 100, sedangkan nilai yang ada di bawah seratur tidak diformat.
(Uncircled) yaitu tanda .
Value list pertama dan pilih Number.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Formulasi Matematika AHP
Formulasi matematis dan metode proses hirarki analitik adalah hasi perbandingan berpasangan, pada himpunan kriteria atau himpunan alternatif dimana nilai-niiai perbandingan berpasangan diberikan dalam matrik yang berukuran n x n sebagai matrik A berikut (Jani Rahardjo, Ronald E Stok, danRosa Yustina, "Penerapan Multi-Criteria Decision Making Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Sistem Perawatan" Jurnal Teknik lndustri Vol. 2, No. 1, Juni 2000,hlm. 34-42): Dimana : -a11=1 -jika aij=a maka aji= 1/a ,a ¹O jika Ci dinyatakan "sama pentingnya (equally importance)" terhadap Cj,maka aij=aji= 1 Selanjutnya dan matriks perbandingan berpasangan tersebut akan dicari bobot dari tiap-tiap kriteria yaitu Wi, dengan cara menormalkan rata-rata geometrik (geometric mean) dengan rumusan sebagai berikut: Di dalam analisa multi kriteria ganda diperhitungkan juga kriteria kualitatif yang memungkinkan terjadinya ketidakkonsistensian (inconsistency) dalam penilaian perbandingan kriteria-kniteria atau alternatif- alternatif keputusan perbandingan yang diambil dikatakan "perfectly consistence" jika dan hanya jika aik, akj=aij, " i, j, k = 1,2,………, n. Salah satu cara pengukuran konsistensi disarankan oleh Thomas L. Saaty melalui indeks konsistensi (Consistency Index) Cl yang dirumuskan sebagai berikut: Dimana: n=menyatakann kriteria/alternatif yang dibandingkan lmax=nilai eigen (eigen value) yang terbesar dari matrik perbandingan berpasangan orde n. Suatu pendekatan lain yang dapat digunakan untuk memperoleh nilai lmax dapat diformulasikan sebagai berikut : Dimana aij=elemen dari matrik berbalikan Wj=obot dari kriteriaj Jika CI bernilai 0 maka berarti keputusan penilaian tersebut bersifat sama dengan jumlah kriteria yang diperbandingkan yaitun kriteria. Semakin tinggi nilai Cl semakin tingi pula tingkat ketidak konsistensian dari keputusan perbandingan yang telah dilakukan. Indeks konsistensi matrik random dengan skala 9 (1-9) beserta kebalikannya disebut sebagai indeks random (Random Index) RI. Berdasarkan perhitungan Thomas L. Saaty dengan menggunakan 500 sampel diperoleh nilai rata-rata indeks random (RI) untuk setiap ordo matrik tertentu sebagai berikut: Tabel 2.3 Indeks Random ( RI ) Ordo Matrik RI Ordo Matrik RI Ordo Matrik RI 1 0 6 1,24 11 1,51 2 0 7 1,32 12 1,48 3 0,58 8 1,41 13 1,56 4 0,9 9 1,45 14 1,57 5 1,12 10 1,49 15 1,59 (Sumber: Saaty, Thomas L., and Luis G. Vargas, 1994, The Analytical HierarchyProcess Vol. VII : "Decision Making in Economic, Political, Social, Technological Environments, 1st Edition, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, p.9) Rasio konsistensi CR (Consistency Ratio) dirumuskan sebagai berikut: CR = CI / RI apabila ratio konsistensi (CR) 0,10 maka hasil penelitian dapat diterima atau dipertanggungjawabkan. Jika tidak, maka pengambilan keputusan harus meninjau ulang masalah dan merevisi matrik perbandingan berpasangan.
Analisa Proses Hirarki
Analytical Hierarchy Process, selanjutnya disebut AHP, merupakan satu model yang fleksibel yang memungkinkan orang per orang atau kelompok untuk membentuk gagasan-gagasan dan membatasi masalah dengan asumsi mereka sendiri dan menghasilkan solusi yang bagi mereka (Saaty L. Thomas, Decision Making for Leaders; The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decision in Complex World, 1988). Metode AHP dikembangkan awal tahun 1970-an oleh Dr. Thomas L. Saaty dan telah digunakan untuk membantu para pembuat keputusan dari berbagai negara dan perusahaan. Prinsip kerja AHP adalah menyederhanakan masalah komplek yang tidak tenstruktur, strategik dan dinamik menjadi bagian-bagiannya, serta menata variabel dalam suatu hirarki (tingkatan). Kemudian tingkat kepentingan variabel diberi nilai numerik secara subyektif tentang arti pentingnya secara relatif dibandingkan dengan variabel lain. Dari berbagai pertimbangan tersebut kemudian dilakukan sintesa untuk menetapkan variabel yang memiliki prioritas tentinggi dan berperan untuk mempengaruhi hasil pada sistem tersebut. Perbedaan antara model AHP dengan model pengambilan keputusan lainnya terletak pada jenis inputnya Model AHP memakai persepsi manusiayang dianggap 'ekspert/ahli' sebagai input utamanya. Kriteria ekspert disini orang yang mengerti benar penmasalahan yang dilakukan, merasakan akibat suatu masalah atau punya kepentingan terhadap masalah tersebut. Pengukuran hal-hal kualitatif merupakan hal yang sangat penting mengingat makin kompleksnya permasalahan didunia dan tingkat ketidakpastian yang makin tinggi. Selain itu dalam AHP diuji konsistensi penilaiannya. Bila terjadi penyimpangan yang terlalu jauh dari nilai konsistensi sempurna maka penilaian perlu diperbaiki atau hirarki harus distruktur ulang. Keuntungan yang diperoleh bila kita memecahkan masalah dan mengambil keputusan dengan menggunakan AHP antara lain: