Sunday, February 10, 2008

Microsoft Excel Menu Commands

Menu commands

The menus in Excel 2000 are similar to menus in other Windows applications. However, as with all the Microsoft Office 2000 products there is a small difference from earlier versions: when you open a menu item an abbreviated version is displayed (Figure 2.)

Figure 2

Getting Started with Excel 3

Figure 3

The menu shows the commonly used and the most recently used commands. The entire menu is displayed if you click on the down arrow at the bottom of the menu. If your version of Excel is so configured, the full menu will also appear after a short delay. To configure Excel, either use the command Tools|Customize or right click on the menu bar and select the Customize item. In either case, the Customize dialog box is opened. If you move to the Option tag, the dialog box resembles Figure 3. To have all the commands displayed, clear the check mark from the Menus show recently used commands first box. Beaware that this action will affect other Microsoft Office 2000 application on your PC.

Menu commands may be accessed by clicking on the required item. Alternatively, you may hold down the A key and press the key corresponding to the underscored letter in the menu item. Thus the File menu is opened with A+F. A third method is available for other commands. If you open the File menu you will see to the right of the Save item the shortcut CTRL+S. This means that the key commination C+S will save the current file – there is no need to open the File menu for this to work. The shortcuts for copy and paste (C+C and C+V) are very useful to know.

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